Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Nginx & uWSGI Living Together in Your Shed

Let's assume you have just bought the memorable domain name and you want to host your lovely web app on that old server in the shed. 

I recently set up both Flask-Ahoy! and Django-Ahoy! on a five year old desktop my daughter was chucking out, so I can guarantee you that this configuration can handle enough traffic to get you going, or to demo products to your customers.

Before we start, I'm assuming you are familiar with python web frameworks (Django, Flask, Bottle etc) and with using virtualenv to segregate your environments. I usually use Flask as my framework of choice, so I'm using their "Hello World" app here.

Let's get started:

Now the contents of those files:

Finally copy the config into place and start the uwsgi daemon and the server up:

This of course is just the basics, but it will hopefully give you a starting point from which you can fiddle to your hearts content.

Good luck fellow traveller.

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